One reason we chose New London is its proximity to other destinations, such as Mystic CT and it's well-known aquarium (well-known to those of us who grew up in New England at least). So on Tuesday we loaded up the cars and drove out for a visit. Julia has aspirations of being a marine biologist and Lily loves fish and whales, so it was a good destination for our little group.
Sadly it was hot, really really hot. So we spent an hour or so trooping around outside, but found ourselves fading really quickly. We did get to touch some sting rays, watch sea lions being fed, catch some glimpses of a beluga whale and learn about penguins who like warm temperatures (who knew?). We had our lunch at the "Penguin Cafe" (or something like that) and then caught some indoor (read: air conditioned!) exhibits.
Gordon and I noticed that Lily was pretty much the only 18-month old running around like a complete maniac from exhibit to exhibit once we got indoors. There was a big round tank in the middle of the room with viewing areas on all sides. Lily ran from "window" to window shouting "No" at anyone else who happened to be trying to see the first as well. Now, keep in mind - there was SO MUCH ROOM for EVERYONE TO VIEW FISH. No real need for resource competition here. What is UP with her? I really really hope this phase passes soon because she's outgrowing the "oh, but look how cute she is " thing. Instead people look at me like "why did your kid just shout NO at me?" So, all you parents of toddlers older than mine who read this blog - all three of you - please tell me we'll be through this phase soon!
We quickly tired of chasing Lily all over tarnation while she yelled "fish fish" or "no no" - and we were coning up on her naptime anyway. So we left the Holzes to continue enjoying the aquarium and made our way to the exit. We did stop in at the gift shop (which was, as Gordon noted, the most heavily air conditioned spot in the whole place, hmmmmmm). Lily found a new beluga whale friend to take home with her and a fun little fish book. She's really digging her whale and won't sleep without him.
1 comment:
I can't help you Becky, my children NEVER acted like that!!haha.
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